Ever since I had been getting more and more involved with wine, I had dreamed of starting my own winery. Along with this dream came the arduous task of coming up with a name.
It had to be easy to pronounce, not use my name, look good on a restaurant wine list, have no animals or geographic elements (river, peak, valley, mountain, etc.) & have meaning. It took almost three years to come up with a name that I liked. I would go back and forth on names and could never really settle on one in particular. Then one day, I simply looked down at my forearms and it hit me. The clock and the compass tattoos are of my own design and are full of symbolism and meaning for me. The hands on the clock point to 1:02, the time my daughter was born and the face has her initials and birth date written on it.
The compass is a reference to my family and is the reason that I work as hard as I do. The letters on the points may look like directions but are actually our initials and the symbols in the middle are our astrological symbols. Combining the two gave birth to Time & Direction, two components essential to any journey in life. All you need is some time and a little direction.